Monday, July 12, 2010


bull cow and calf
Hi all,
que: There are 100 animals (bulls+cow+calf) costing 10$ for bull, 5$ for cow, .5$ for calf.
Find out number of cows.
I solved it by try error method but its time taking. Is there any method exist to solve it properly by using equations...
I getting here 3 var with 2 equ....

if u r given a surface area of 4 pie r square
to make a container
what is the maximum amount of volume it can contain.


Disc balancing
Ok, so you have a disc of radius R and you have an L-shaped table. Now you want to balance the disc on the only concave corner (the inside corner of table).
What's the largest % of the disc you can have hanging off the desk before it will fall off? Is it dependent on the radius R? How about for a square with side length S? Also, what's your position
for the disc/square.
Obviously, if you did this on an edge then you can only get 50% for if you had a higher percentage then it would fall off.


How many zeros are there in the end of 1024! ?


challenge to all
9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 ,choose any six numbers from these nos so that the sum will be 21


harish is returning to his home from friend's house with his dog. the dog runs twice as fast as harish walks. The moment harish and his dog start at his friend's house, dog reaches home first
and runs back to meet harish and again it reaches home first and again runs back to meet harish and so on till both reaches home.
After what time in min from the start, did harish meet his dog for the second time on the way to home.


Interesting one!!!
You have a 99 cell array. In each cell you put an integer belonging to the set {1,2,...,100}. No two cells contain the same integer. Thus when the array filling is complete, one of the integers from
1 to 100
is not present in the array. Determine which integer is missing from the array.


next in series

Nice puzles, try them~
Question.1 In a triangle ABC, let D be the mid-point of BC. If angle ADB= 45 degree and angle ACD = 30 degree, determine the measure of angle BAD.
Assume triangle ABC is isosceles with angle ABC= angle ACB= 78 degree. Let D and E be points sides AB and AC respectively so that angle BCD = 24 degree and angle CBE = 51
degree. Find the size of angle BED and justify.
Points S and T trisect the hypotenuse PQ of a right angled triangle PQR. If RS = 7 and RT = 9 , calculate the length of the hypotenuse.
Please, answer with proper reasoning.



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